Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daylight Savings Ends

Nothing says Good Mornning like a pile of cat yak in the middle of the Living Room floor.  Never the less, it was nice to wake up to sun shine this morning.  I don't mind the time change,  It means sunnny mornings and no more walking to the school bus stop in the dark.
My husband comes home today.  I miss him.  I don't miss the piles of clothes on the bedroom floor, or  his pager going off in the middle of the night.  I certainly don't miss the toilet seat and the bathroom window blind left up.  He's my best friend and I miss him.  Tom is like an onion.  You have to peel him back a layer at a time.  Underneath the sarcasim and the impelling urge to crawl under a rock with what comes out of his mouth sometimes, (he's almost been kicked out of a few middle school football games...and I couple family dinners) he's the most sensitive, caring, hard working man I know.  He is fiercely protective of his family, his customers and of his community.    If you haven't had him come and work on your furnace or air conditioner, you're in for a treat.   His gift is his uncanny ability to diagnose anything.  If it's broke, he can probably fix it.  The link to his Assured Heating  website is above.    Check it out.
We're polar opposites; fire and ice we've been called, but we're a good match.  I keep him grounded and he keeps me from taking things too seriously all the time.  The kids and I are going to do some Christmas shopping for him today before he gets home. 

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